Healthcare Crisis in Tigray
Since the conflict began in November 2020, many health facilities in Tigray have been intentionally destroyed. As of December 2020, Doctors Without Borders reported that more than 70% of health facilities had been looted of life-sustaining supplies, equipment, medications and ambulances, thus leaving the people of Tigray without access to life-saving medical care.
With a limited number of health facilities operating, medical care remains inaccessible to the majority of the estimated population of 6 million Tigrayans. As a result, civilians are dying from preventable infections and treatable medical emergencies. There is a lack of medical staff; many are fearful of their safety particularly of armed forces occupying hospitals, harassing and assaulting both staff and patients.
The healthcare needs for the people of Tigray are wide-ranging and overwhelming. Beyond life-saving medication and medical equipment, the people of Tigray need access to nutrition, clean water, vaccines, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to fight against infectious diseases such as TB and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through the concerted efforts of donors and medical professionals HPN4Tigray is working to support unmet critical needs. We are currently spearheading projects in the region: providing life-saving medication such as insulin, malnutrition prevention programs for children under 5 who are currently Internally Displaced (IDP) populations, and clean water initiatives to prevent the breakout of cholera and other waterborne diseases.
The vision of HPN4Tigray stretches beyond the current crisis and aims to continue partnering with medical institutions and NGOs on the ground to rehabilitate and rebuild communities. As individuals and health professionals we have an obligation to act during this dire humanitarian crisis and work to alleviate the suffering of future generations.

Photo Credit: Esiey Leul
How to alleviate suffering

Your generous tax-deductible contribution will help us secure life-saving medication, equipment and emergency supplies throughout Tigray, Ethiopia and beyond.


Health Professionals Network for Tigray (HPN4Tigray) is a volunteer organization established in 2020 in response to the humanitarian crisis in Tigray. Our organization is made up of healthcare and other professionals within the diaspora. HPN4Tigray is powered by its members, communities, and international allies.
HPN4Tigray’s 2023 Impact To Date

Delivery of Medications and Medical Supplies

Nutrition Initiatives

Supporting Medical Professionals in Tigray

Mental Health and Wellness Initiatives

Unocha Report
UNOCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) estimates over 61,415 refugees have fled to Sudan since the beginning of the conflict in November 2020. Refugees are residing in overcrowded camps with limited access to clean drinking water, WASH infrastructure and initiatives, and medical supplies. These factors promote the spread of communicable diseases, COVID-19, and water-borne illnesses. Adequate shelter and food supplies are also lacking despite humanitarian organizations best efforts to deliver relief to these camps.